Course Info MUS 243

This page will be an attempt to gather the relevant videos and practice pages to help you through this course. I will add another page with information about remedial work, for those who are struggling. (It's important that you master the basic skills before moving on to the harder ones, or you will become needlessly frustrated.)

Our ear training textbook is "Ear Training: A Technique for Listening" by Benward and Kolosick. The textbook has accompanying exercises on the publisher's website. You need the latest version of shockwave flash to use them. The index for the exercises can be found here.

Our sight singing text is "Music for Sight Singing" by Ottman and Rogers. You should be meeting regularly with your sight singing group to work through these exercises. If you need additional material, or another approach, I recommend downloading the free and creative commons licensed "Eyes and Ears: An Anthology of Melodies for Sight Singing" by Benjamin Crowell.

Our rhythm text is by Jason Haney, who has graciously allowed me to post examples online for your edification.

You may appreciate Melinda and Janie's Eartraining Survival Guide:

Online Resources: